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Faith Build

Putting faith in action to change lives.

My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places. – Isaiah 32:18

Since our beginning in 1976, Habitat has been built on a foundation of faith. Our mission is to build safe, affordable housing with people in the United States and around the world, and that comes from a desire to put God’s love into action.

The tangible experiences that Habitat provides allow you to engage those around you, live your faith, and offer a unique opportunity to love your neighbor.

Locally, we have partnered with local volunteers, donors, and organizations to build 75 homes, including many Faith Builds with local church partners.

Faith Builds is an opportunity to live out your church’s ministry, engage your members and see the miracle that occurs when God touches the hearts of new homeowners and the volunteers who work alongside them. Local congregations will team up to raise the funds needed for the home, and Habitat for Humanity will coordinate the build, and family selection and provide your church with an opportunity to help us build the home.

Church Engagement Ideas

Dilworth Lutheran and I have been working with Habitat since 2018, after they built a house in Little Italy here in Dilworth, and it has been an incredible blessing for our church. It’s helped our congregation work together to build houses, and it’s pushed us spiritually to grow in generosity of our volunteering and in financial gifts.

Pastor Elizabeth HillerDilworth Lutheran Church

We are called to make religion real, to make our faith come alive. Helping others have a decent place to live is one way to do that and it doesn’t take too long for others to recognize it, too.

Millard FullerFounder of Habitat for Humanity

You can see mirac­u­lous things hap­pen when peo­ple actu­al­ly do some­thing that appeals to their shared val­ues. They can focus on what they have in com­mon, as opposed to what sep­a­rates them.

Jonathan ReckfordCEO - Habitat for Humanity International
Join us for a life-changing experience

We invite your church to be part of Faith Build and turn faith into action!

  • Church members generously volunteer time: Helping build, fund-raise, providing food, or promoting the build.
  • Churches and their members help raise the funds needed to build the home.
  • Habitat for Humanity coordinates the build; including family selection, site selection, designing the home, and providing volunteer leadership.
  • A local family moves into the new home that they helped build and will pay forward the cost of their home.
Choose how to partner

There are many ways for church members to get involved in Faith Build on and off the construction site.

  • Organize on-site volunteer days for your church members
  • Make a financial contribution
  • Organize a fundraising activity (partner with a Thrivent member & use their Action Dollars)
  • Provide lunch for on-site workers
  • Designate your Thrivent Choice dollars to our ministry
  • Create a welcome basket or other special items for the family
  • Participate at groundbreaking and home dedication events
  • Form a prayer group
For more information on how you or your church can put faith into action,
please contact Pete Christopher at 218-512-0109 or