Every family needs a strong foundation to build a brighter future
Thank you for your interest in applying for our Homeownership Program!
Applications for this year are now closed and this process will open again next summer. Click the button below to join our interest list and be notified about our next application cycle.
How to prepare for our next round of applications in advance!
Our full application packet is not available year-round, however, we recommend that people start getting their documentation organized in advance and take the following steps that will improve their chances of being qualified and selected.
- Check out the income guidelines and ensure that your family will be within the income range for your family size (scroll down on this website page to view the table). Note – these will be updated each Spring and usually go up each year based on the government data for our area.
- Turn in a fully completed application before the deadline – ensure that all checklist items* that apply to the applicant’s situation are included, along with the complete application packet and signed forms.
- Attend the virtual homeownership program applicant orientation class that is held each year after applications begin.
- View credit report – www.annualcreditreport.com and begin paying down any debt that is owed.
- Start a new savings account and work on saving towards buying a house. Our program has a $3,000 requirement for our future homeowners to pay at the time of closing. We recommend having additional funds in the account to purchase other items that will be needed for homeownership.
- Consider talking to a bank or mortgage company to see about qualifying for a traditional mortgage.
- Look into first-time homebuyer education classes.
- Ensure that the applicants have stable employment or that your total household income is within our income guidelines based on the family size.
- Pay rent on time every month for current housing situation, to demonstrate the ability to pay a mortgage on time in the future.
*Checklist can be viewed by clicking the button below. We recommend starting to gather these items in advance to the application window opening.

Application Frequently Asked Questions:
Do you have additional questions about our application process?
You MUST schedule an appointment with Carissa in advance to either talk through your questions over the phone or meet in-person about your homeownership program application questions. She is not accepting walk-ins. Thank you for your understanding.
Carissa can be reached at 218-359-0814.
How to submit your completed application:
If you have provided all of the information requested on your application and used the checklist to gather your external documentation, then you are ready to submit your application.
To be considered for our program, make sure to submit your fully complete application on our before August 31st by either:
Mailing it to our PO Box Address:
Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity,
Attn: Carissa
PO Box 1022
Moorhead, MN 56561
Or dropping it off in a sealed envelope to our mailbox attached to our office building:
Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity/ReStore,
210 11th St. N.
Moorhead, MN 56560

Homeownership Program Requirement Overview
How families are chosen:
The selection of families who will purchase homes from Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity is done by our Family Selection committee in a way that does not discriminate because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, sexual orientation, age, gender identity, national origin or because all or part of the applicant’s income is derived from public assistance programs. The applicant families go through the required application and interview process to determine their needs and the ability to meet LAHFH’s requirements.
We use the following criteria to choose families each year:
Residency: Families must have lived or worked within the Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity service area for the past year. Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity’s current service area is Cass County of ND and Clay County of MN.
Housing Need:
- Current shelter is inadequate – structural defects, lack of heat, maintenance problems, etc.
- Temporary or transitional housing – living with friends or family
- Household is overcrowded (number of persons in each bedroom is greater than 2, or number of persons sleeping in rooms other than bedrooms)
- Environment is inadequate – household feels unsafe or there is health hazards
- Household currently pays more than 30% of total gross monthly income for housing
- Unable to purchase a home through an other means.
Partnership: They are willing to partner with Habitat in the construction of the home by contributing “sweat equity” hours (300 -550 hours minimum per household). Families agree to care, maintain and repair their own home and yard. Families agree to reflect and represent Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity in a positive manner.
Ability to Pay:
- They are able to save $3,000 toward closing costs.
- Must agree to a credit check and pay the fee for this at the time of submitting the application.
- Must have had any bankruptcy filing discharged 2 years prior to applying for a Habitat home.
- Monthly debt plus estimated monthly housing cost must be less than 40% of gross monthly income.
- No outstanding liens or judgements. Cannot have owned a home within the last 3 years (with the exception of mobile homes).
- We serve individuals and households earning between 50-80% of HUD’s area median income. (Refer to the guidelines below, broken down by annual and monthly income.)

Sweat Equity
Every Partner Family is required to perform a minimum of 300-550 hours of volunteer work known as “sweat equity” within the Habitat organization before moving into their home. The number of hours required is determined by how many adults live in the household. Sweat equity is an exciting learning experience in which Partner Families work with family, neighbors, and friends to build other Partner Families’ homes as well as their own.
Working alongside volunteers and future neighbors to build their home and community is one of the most rewarding aspects of Habitat for Humanity for Partner Families. Besides working on the construction site, there are many other ways to complete sweat equity hours such as working at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore, helping in the LAHFH office, and attending classes on home maintenance and financial fitness. Habitat for Humanity does not give handouts, but instead partners with families in need to provide a simple, decent and affordable homes.
Habitat for Humanity does not give handouts, but instead partners with families in need to provide a simple, decent and affordable homes.

Community Partners:
If you are above our income guidelines for your family size, we recommend you contact the Community Land Trust.
If you are below our income guidelines for your family size, we recommend contacting one of the following programs for assistance:
Are you ready to apply?
Applications are available July 1-31 ONLY and can be obtained by:
1. Stopping at the Habitat ReStore during store hours of Tuesday -Friday from 10:00 AM-6:00 PM and Saturday from 10:00 AM-4:00 PM. Habitat ReStore is located at 210 11th Street North in Moorhead and is accessible by bus. ReStore staff are unable to answer your questions, but all questions will be answered at the Virtual Introduction to Homeownership class.
2. Email: Email your name, mailing address and phone number to carissa@lakeagassizhabitat.org If you request an application by email, they will be sent out on Friday mornings, during the application pick-up period.
3. Postal Mail: Email your name, mailing address and phone number to Carissa@lakeagassizhabitat.org If you request an application by mail, they will be sent out on Friday mornings, during the application pick-up period.

Information on LAHFH Introduction to Homeownership Class:
All applicants are highly encouraged to attend a 1-hour LAHFH Introduction to Homeownership Class. Attending this class is part of LAHFH’s “Willingness to Partner” criteria.
This class will be held virtually:
- Dates and times of future classes will be posted here when they are scheduled.
*Families that do not have access to internet and/or video capabilities need to email Carissa@lakeagassizhabitat.org as soon as possible, to arrange an alternative option.
To register, click the link below:
- Complete the online registration form for the date that you works in your schedule.
- The class will be held using Microsoft TEAMs. The link is found on the event page.
Each class will cover the application process, how families are selected and how LAHFH builds it houses. The class is free. Interpreters are not provided, but you are welcome to use an interpreter if needed. Do not let your children distract you during the virtual class.
The next round of Homeowner Application Packets are due by August 31st. Applications must either be mailed to: Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity, Attn: Carissa, PO Box 1022, Moorhead, MN 56561.
OR: Applications may also be dropped off in the designated mailbox slot only – the mailbox is attached to the outside of the Lake Agassiz Habitat for Humanity building entrance (Office/ReStore Address: 210 11th St. N. Moorhead).
Habitat staff are not responsible for misplacing any applications that are dropped off anywhere else.
Non-Proselytizing Policy
Habitat for Humanity International (“Habitat”) and its affiliated organizations will not proselytize. Nor will Habitat work with entities or individuals who insist on proselytizing as part of their work with Habitat. This means that Habitat will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must adhere to or convert to a particular faith or listen and respond to messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith.
Equal Housing Opportunity
We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. Policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.