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Barnesville Build

Hope | Opportunity | Miracle | Empower

What is the Barnsville Build?

Coming together to help one of our own build a new future.

We are excited to be building another home in Barnesville in 2024, our third Habitat home in this great community. Over the summer and fall we will bring donors, volunteers, and other supporters together to help a family build a new home, and a new future. We also own additional land next to our 2023 and 2024 Barnesville Builds, where we are planning to build 1 more affordable home in 2025!

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The Homeownership Program Application Process is Currently Closed.

Check out website by clicking the link below, for more information or to join the interest list and be notified about future applications being available.

More Information about the Application Process
Click HERE to be added to the interest list and be notified about future applications
Who are we helping?

The Kemper Family

Karsyn and I are overjoyed to have been chosen for this incredible opportunity. Words cannot express our gratitude for your support in making our dreams a reality.

With a home of our own, nestled in the heart of Barnesville, we’re empowered to pursue our passions. For me, it’s the path to becoming a paramedic, while Karsyn delights in the prospect of backyard adventures and picnics.

To every volunteer and donor: THANK YOU! Your generosity is transforming our lives in ways we never imagined possible. Together, we’re building futures filled with hope and possibility.

Help us build Katie and Karsyn's home. Donate today. Join our Barnesville Build email list!
How does the Habitat program work?

A hand UP, not a Hand OUT.

Habtitat homes are NOT free. Every Habtiat homeowner starts out as a homebuilder; contributing hundreds of hours of “sweat equity” by helping build other Habitat homes, working in our ReStore and other volunteer roles at Habitat, but mostly…helping to build their own home. They are also required to complete our awarded winning homeownership education program.

Once their home is built, they purchase the home from us through an affordable mortgage that is based on their income. Over the next 30 years, their payments will be “paid forward” and used to help sustain our mission and build future homes.

We can’t do it alone, however. Your gifts are needed today to help purchase building materials, feed our volunteers, and pay for subcontractors. Your donations will be matched by the Barnesville homeowner and their family as they “pay forward” their mortgage payments and help build future homes. Please help make it happen with a donation today.

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